Peace Lily is a beautiful indoor plant that brings an aesthetic look to your interior. Peace Lily makes an amazing indoor plant de to its beautiful appearance and air purifying abilities. It has pretty white flowers and bright leaves that can definitely add some beauty to your environment. In this article, we will tell you how to care for a Peace Lily plant so it can live for years.

1. Facts
Name: Spathiphyllum wallisii
Family: Araceae
Type: Indoor Plant/Outdoor
Height: 18 to 24 inches
Exposure: Indirect
Soil: Blended Potting Mix with texture
2. Appearance

Peace Lily has lance white flowers, which are narrow at the top and bottom but wide in between. The flowers of peace lilies are the best thing about this plant, and that’s why many plant lovers adore Peace Lily plants. The leaves are large and shiny green which complements nicely with the flowers and makes the plant best for the interior and exterior plantation.
3. Peace Lily Plant Care
Peace Lily is an easy plant to care for and doesn’t require you to go to some lengths for its maintenance. However, it should be your top priority to keep a check on plant care because it can live up to two decades under favorable conditions. Some of the tips about this care of peace lily have given below.
3.1. Water
Peace Lily loves moist soil, but it doesn’t mean it needs a lot of water 24/7. You must water this plant when at least one inch of the soil has been dried. Water until the water starts getting out of the drain hole in the pot. Watering a peace lily once a week is more than enough.
3.2. Light
As peace lily is an indoor and outdoor plant, it should be getting indirect sunlight. It doesn’t matter if the light is bright or low. However, you should not keep this plant in bright indirect light for long. Peace lily plants can also survive in the dark for some time, but it shouldn’t be for long.
3.3. Soil
Peace Lily needs soil that is well drained but doesn’t lose moisture. For this purpose, blending potting mixes with texture works best. The loamy soils, which have perlite, peat, and coconut coir, are perfect for a peace lily. Cactus and orchid soil mixes work just fine too.

3.4. Temperature
Cold temperatures below 60°F can damage the peace lily plant’s leaves and flowers. The ideal temperature to grow this plant is between 68°F to 85°F. The warm temperature helps the plant to grow freely. It cannot survive in cold temperatures. But ensure you are not putting it directly in front of a heater as the artificial heat can damage its flowers and leaves.
3.5. Humidity
Peace Lily loves humidity. There should be 50% humidity in your environment if you need peace lilies to grow. If you live in an area with less humidity, use a humidifier for the plant indoors. Peace Lilies enjoy misting too. You can place their pot on a wet gravel tray to regulate the humidity around them.
3.6. Drainage
You need to select a pot for peace lilies that has good drainage. If peace lilies stay in water for long, it can cause root rot, resulting in the plant’s death. It is better to let the soil dry some bit between watering. You should ensure that any extra water is draining out of the pot when watering the peace lily plant.
3.7. Bloom
Peace Lilies bloom throughout the year, but it usually flowers in spring. New leaves also come out, so you need to care for them extra in that season. If you want them to keep blooming, locate them where they can get bright indirect sunlight.
3.8. Repotting
When the peace lily starts wilting, and its roots start getting all inside the pot, it is needed to repot them. Using a well-drained pot, put soil mix inside it and put the peace lily plant inside. Make sure its roots are immersed inside the soil. Pat the soil and then water it until it’s moist.
4. General Problems With Peace Lily And Their Solution
Just like any other plant, peace lilies can also face some problems because of many reasons. We have mentioned three peace lily problems and their solutions for you.
4.1. Yellow or Brown Leaves

If you feel that the leaves of your peace lily are turning yellow or the leaf tips are turning brown, you should immediately check its watering routine. Underwatering and Overwatering both can cause this issue. Remember that it is important that you water the peace lily once a week, but if you live in a dry environment, you can water it twice a week too. Another cause of this problem can be a nutrient deficiency. Peace Lily needs fertilizers once a year, and if the yellowing isn’t caused by water issues, then it’s probably because your plant needs fertilizer. You can fertilize a peace lily with diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer.
4.2.Wilting Flowers

When the flowers of peace lily start wilting, it isn’t a major concern. But if the leaves are also getting affected, then you have to look out for the problem. Usually, the flowers from the peace lily wilt when the blooming season is done. So this is something that you have no control over. Another reason can be changing their location. Peace lily plants do not really love moving places, so as a result, their flowers wilt. Give it some time and properly take care of the plant, and it will be alright.
4.3. Flowers Turning Green

If the white pearly flowers of your peace lily plant are turning green, they can be a part of the blooming cycle. The flowers turn green first, then white. There is nothing to worry about. But the flowers can also turn green if they are not getting enough light. Try locating them somewhere bright.
5. Conclusion
This is all you need to know about the plant care of peace lilies. Peace Lily plants are easy to take care of, so there is nothing you should be scared of when buying one for yourself. If you take care of it, this plant will give you beautiful and breathtaking flowers, which will definitely make your day every day.
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