Palm Tree Indoors Care – The Ultimate Guide
Palm Trees make excellent indoor plants because of their tolerant and adjustable nature to any environment. With more than 2500 types of Palm Trees discovered in the world right now, you are probably missing out if you do not have one in your house. If you have an interest in buying a palm tree and want to know more about it, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about them!
If you are about to buy a palm tree for your house, you should know how to take care of palm trees indoors. Palm Trees make excellent indoor plants because of their tolerant and adjustable nature to any environment. With more than 2500 types of Palm Trees discovered in this world right now, if you do not have one in your house, you are probably missing out. Before buying a palm plant, read this article to know all about palm trees and their care.

Common Name: Palms
Family: Arecaceae
Plant Type: Perennial
Origin: Southeast Asia, Northern Africa, South Pacific Island
Size: 20 to 30 meters tall
USDA Hardiness Zone: 6b/7a southward
Sunlight: Bright indirect light
Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist
Soil Type: Moist, humus-rich, and well drained
Soil pH: 6-7
Flowering: Small and white flowers growing on an inflorescence
Benefits of Growing Palm Trees:
Before having a palm tree as a houseplant, you should know the endless benefits it offers to you and the environment you are living in.
- Palm trees are low-maintenance plants so they do not need any extra care.
- They are air purifiers that help in cleaning the air indoors.
- Palm Trees have various varieties and most of them make good houseplants, so you have large options to choose from.
- With proper care, palm trees can grow up to 15 feet tall indoors.
Different Varieties of Indoor Plant:
Let’s take a look at some of the varieties of palm trees all over the world:
Bamboo Palm

Scientific Name: Dypsis lutescens
Native to Madagascar, Bamboo Palm can bring a sense of tropical jungles to any area. It has pinnate leaves with dark green foliage which grow in a spread.
Chinese Fan Palm:

Scientific Name: Livistona chinensis
Chinese Palm tree is a sub-tropical species of East Asia, which is a common houseplant because of its easy maintenance and beautiful foliage. In its natural condition, the Chinese fan palm can grow up to 30 feet tall but indoors, its growth can be 6 feet at maximum.
Date Palm:

Scientific Name: Phoenix dactylifera
Date Palm tree goes way back and is said to be native to Iraq. It’s mostly known for its sweet and delicious fruit called Dates. Date Palm can grow up to 75 feet tall so it’s not a good houseplant.
Majesty Palm:

Scientific Name: Ravenea rivularis
Even though it is a common palm tree, Majesty Palm is becoming an endangered species of the Arecaceae family. Most of the time, its fronds grow can grow up to 12 feet in an upward direction.
Parlor Palm:

Scientific Name: Chamaedorea elegans
Native to Southern Mexico and Guatemala, Parlor Palm is also called Bella’s palm. The attractive bright green fronds of Parlor Palm make it a great houseplant.
Areca Palm:

Scientific Name: Dypsis lutescens
Areca Palm is commonly referred to as golden cane palm, butterfly palm, yellow palm, or bamboo palm, and is native to Madagascar. It is one of the most popular indoor palm trees with bamboo-like stems and yellow ribs.
Ponytail Palm:

Scientific Name: Beaucarnea recurvata
It is called Ponytail Palm because of its spread which grows in the shape of a ponytail. It is native to Veracruz and isn’t qualified as a typical palm tree.
Sago Palm:

Scientific Name: Cycas revoluta
Commonly known as Cycas, Sago Palm is native to Japan, including Ryukyu Island. It is a species of gymnosperms, so technically, it isn’t a traditional palm tree. Sago Palm is popular as a decorative plant in houses because of its glossy and green fronds. Sago Palm produces nuts.
How To Take Care of Palm Trees Indoors?
Knowing how to properly care for a palm tree is important if you want it to survive as a houseplant. Palm Trees know what they want and will tell you that you are not taking care of them by their appearance. So let’s learn how you can keep them alive indoors.
Bright but Indirect Light
Palm Trees love indirect but bright sunlight, so you have to put them in a place where they can get as much light as possible, preferably near a window. Low light for a short amount of time is also okay, like in winter, when the sun doesn’t come out until a few days. This doesn’t mean that you can keep palm trees in the dark without any source of light. Use a grow light if the light in your area or your house isn’t sufficient for your palm tree. Ensure that the palm tree isn’t getting direct sunlight, as it can harm its foliage.
Adequate Amount of Water
Palm Trees love good moist soil, so it is important to water the plant regularly. But don’t get too generous with the watering as the plant can get root rot with overwatering. Palm Trees can tolerate underwatering but stay fresh and upright when they get the right amount of water.. Brown tips of leaves are a sign of underwatering, and yellowing leaves is a sign of overwatering in palm trees. So you should look for these signs while watering your palm tree.
How Often to Water Palm Trees Indoors?
Palm Trees make good houseplants because of their low maintenance and easygoing nature. When you take a new palm tree into your home, make sure to water it regularly for a week with adequate water so it can get used to the new environment. After the initial week, settle for watering the palm tree 3-4 times a week. When you know that the palm tree has gotten familiarized with its environment, start watering it 2-3 times a week.
Make sure that keeping the soil of the palm tree moist is the key point for its healthy growth. Water the palm tree when you feel that the top 1-2 inches of the soil have dried(you can check it with your finger). One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you have to avoid overwatering at all costs.
Level Up the Humidity:
The average humidity level for a palm tree should be between 40%-50%. Palm Trees are not tolerant of dry air as it can make their leaves dry and brown. Use a humidifier if you cannot achieve this level of humidity naturally. Another method for humidity is by using a pebble tray.
Give the Plants Some Warmth:
Palm Trees are sensitive to cold temperatures so you need them to keep warm when the temperature is low. The ideal temperature for palm trees is 50-60°F. Any temperature below will make the leaves of the palm tree shrink and die. Palm Trees can also survive in extremely high temperatures, but not for long.
Loose, Well-Draining Soil:
Palm Trees are easy-going plants, so they will be happy in any type of soil, especially the regular commercial soil mix. One thing to ensure is that whichever soil you choose for your palm tree should be porous, well-draining, and loose.
Fertilize When Needed:
Palm Trees do not require fertilizers, but if you still want to feed them, do it in their growing season, i.e., Spring and Summer. There are many fertilizers out there specifically made for palm trees that contain the right amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients for palm trees.
Selective Pruning:
Pruning doesn’t bring much effect, it makes your palm tree look more presentable. Prune the leaf of a palm tree when it has fully turned brown. Never pluck the leaves when their tips turn brown because they can still get better.
Limited Repotting:
Palm Trees do not like to get repotted too often, so in this case, it is best if you choose a good planter for this plant and let it grow. The roots of the palm tree are sensitive, so repotting the plant can seriously affect the plant in a bad way.
An Average Sized Container
The container size for a palm tree should not be more than ½ the size larger than its root ball. As you won’t get to repot the palm tree too often, stick to a medium-sized container for it.

Common Problems With Palm Trees
If you have green babies yourself, you must have experienced some problems with one or more of them. Palm Trees are no exception because they are also living things, so it’s almost inevitable for them to get some problems. But these problems have some causes and solutions too that you are surely going to read below.
Palm Tree Trunk Rot
The trunk rot in palm trees is caused by a white fungus named Thielaviopsis paradoxa. When a palm tree goes through this problem, it can suddenly collapse without any hope of revival. When the fungus attacks the plant, there is no going back, so you have to remove the palm tree from its container immediately.
Root Rot
Root Rot is concerned with overwatering. When you overwater a palm tree, the roots submerge in water. When the roots are submerged in water, and there’s no way for the water to get out of the pot, the roots get rotten. Once a plant is undergone root rot, there’s no way to bring the plant back to life. Sufficient watering is the only measure you can take to prevent palm trees from root rot.
Brown Edges of Leaves
Underwatering is the main cause of the brown edges of the leaves of palm trees. Even though a palm tree can live with a small amount of water, when the soil starts to dry, the edges of the leaves also start turning brown.
Yellowing of Leaves
Just like any other houseplant, overwatering is the cause of the yellow leaves of Palm Trees. Another reason for yellow leaves could be that the palm tree isn’t getting enough sunlight. Keep your indoor palm tree in bright light so the whole plant can thrive.
Droopy Leaves
When the leaves of palm trees start drooping, you should know something is wrong with your plant. Underwatering can be the cause of droopy leaves. The leaves can get droopy if your palm tree is deficient in nutrients like potassium and magnesium.
Every now and then, your palm tree can also experience some pests. Spider mites, red palm weevils, mites, and scale insects can attack palm trees easily. When you see any activity of pests on palm trees, spray the plant with a good pesticide. If you treat them at the right time, these pests do not actively harm the palm tree.
Indoor Palm Trees can get affected by many diseases like Leaf Spots caused by leaf-spotting fungi. False Smut can also affect the plant, where small filament structures emerge from the plant’s surface. Both of these diseases are caused by fungi, so fungicide sprays should be sprayed on palm trees.
Other than the problems mentioned above, palm trees in houses can also undergo many nutritional deficiencies. When the palm tree is deficient in some nutrients, you will get to know about it by the state of the plant. There could be an insufficiency of nutrients in the soil, some kind of nutrient imbalance, or poor soil aeration. So you should define and check out all these factors so your palm tree can grow to heights.
Frequently Asked Questions

How to Grow Palm Trees From Seed?
Take the seeds of a palm tree and plant them in good potting soil. The temperature is the biggest factor for growing a palm tree from seed, so it should be kept between 65-85°F. Do not plant the seed too deep; keep it just under the soil’s surface. Keep the soil moist all the time, and the pot should be always warm. Now you wait, as it can take about 100 days minimum for the seed to germinate. Do not worry about the light conditions, as they are not important at this stage.
How to Revive a Dying Palm Tree?
You need to keep the soil of the palm tree moist all of the time. If you feel like your plant is dying, relocate the plant where it can get bright sunlight. Keep the plant at a warm temperature of between 65-75°F. The humidity levels should also be increased, and mist the leaves every other day if required.
How Do You Keep Indoor Palms Healthy?
Just give them favorable conditions and proper care, and they will thrive like no other! Palm Trees are common houseplants, so they do not need your extra attention and care. If you are giving them the right type of environment, they will make your living space beautiful.
Should I Cut Brown Leaves Off My Palm?
If only the tips of the leaves have turned brown, do not cut them, as they can again grow green. However, if the whole leaf has turned brown, it is better to cut it off. Leaves of palm can also turn brown due to aging, so pluck them off from the plant.
Now that you know everything about a Palm Tree, are you planning on buying one for your home? We have also mentioned the care guide and problems related to them, so there shouldn’t be any hesitancy because every plant lover should own at least one Palm Tree.
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