If you want to add extra flair and pizzazz to your home or garden, then Variegated Monstera Deliciosa Varieties are perfect. Not only do they make a beautiful statement, but they are also relatively easy to care for.
In this guide, we’ll cover the different varieties of variegated Monstera Deliciosa, as well as tips on how to care for these unique plants. So let’s get started and learn all about these beautiful plants!

1. What is variegation in Monstera Deliciosa?
The variegated varieties have mottled foliage and unique coloring (yellow, cream, light green, pure white) that is caused due to lack of green pigment in plant cells. The variegation occurs in different patterns like speckled, blocky and splotchy.
1.1.How do you get variegation in Monstera?
There are a few ways to achieve variegation in Monstera Deliciosa plants:
Natural variegation:
Some plants naturally develop variegation due to genetic mutations. These mutations affect chlorophyll pigmentation, leading to the appearance of white or yellow spots or splotches on the leaves. This type of variegation is considered stable, meaning that it will be passed down to the plant’s offspring.
Tissue culture:
Tissue culture is a laboratory technique that involves growing plants from small pieces of tissue. By carefully controlling the conditions and using specific plant hormones, scientists can induce variegation in the tissue culture. This method is often used to propagate rare or unique variegated plants, but the variegation may not always be stable, meaning that it may not be passed down to the plant’s offspring.
Mutation breeding:
This method involves exposing the plant to radiation or chemicals to induce mutations. Scientists can create new variegated varieties by carefully selecting plants with desirable mutations. However, this method is considered less stable, as the variegation may not always be passed down to the plant’s offspring.
Introduction of Virus
The most common method of inducing variegation in Monstera is introducing a virus. This virus causes the plant to produce unusual patterns and colors that can’t be found in non-variegated Monstera varieties. Although this method is relatively simple, it has a few drawbacks – mainly that the virus can spread quickly, potentially infecting other plants.
1.2. Why is variegated Monstera so rare?
Variegated Monstera Deliciosa is a rare and sought-after variety of this popular houseplant. It has been cultivated for decades in Central America and tropical Asia, but the variegated forms are particularly rare and difficult to find.
The rarity of variegated Monstera is caused by several factors:
- First, it is much harder to cultivate than the non-variegated form.
- Variegated Monstera requires different light and temperature conditions than the non-variegated version, making it more challenging to grow in a home setting.
- In addition, because variegation is an unstable trait, these plants have to be propagated through cuttings instead of seeds, making them much more labor-intensive to grow and propagate.
- Finally, variegated Monstera is rare because it is much less common than the non-variegated form.
1.3 Why is Monstera Variegata so expensive?
Monstera Variegata is a costly variety of houseplants because it’s much sought-after for its stunning white, yellow, and green leaves, which are splashed with patterns and spots. As a result, it can be pretty challenging to come across and is often significantly more expensive than other varieties of Monstera.
- Rarity: The rarity of Monstera Variegata means that plants can be more complex to source, and as such, they are often more costly than other Monstera varieties.
- Propagation: Additionally, the propagation of variegated plants is tricky, as variegation is a genetic trait. This means that a single-variegated plant cannot readily produce offspring with the same variegation level.
- Advanced breeding Methods: Propagation of variegated plants must be done through tissue culture and mutation breeding, both of which are more time-consuming and expensive than traditional propagation methods.
- High Demand: On top of its rarity, Monstera Variegata has a high demand due to its beautiful foliage. As a result, people are willing to pay a higher price for it. For this reason, suppliers tend to charge more for Monstera Variegata than other Monstera varieties.
1.4. Can you grow a variegated Monstera from seeds?
Growing a variegated Monstera from seeds is possible, but it is far from easy. Variegated Monstera plants are incredibly rare, and the variegated Monstera Deliciosa seeds are even harder to come by. Seeds must be acquired from a specialized nursery, plant collector, or variegated Monstera Deliciosa for sale, as most Monstera varieties do not produce variegated offspring.
Overall, growing a variegated Monstera from seeds is a challenging but rewarding task. However, with patience and dedication, you can potentially have a thriving specimen of this rare and beautiful plant in your home or garden!
2. Different Variegated Monstera Deliciosa Varieties
Different varieties of the Variegated Monstera Deliciosa are as follows:
1. Monstera Deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’
This is one of the more popular variegated Monstera Deliciosa varieties, with bright, creamy yellow-and-green patterns on its leaves. It has chlorophyll only in the green areas of leaves. So if you have one in your home, you must ensure great light exposure to keep it healthy.

2. Monstera Deliciosa ‘Albo Borsigiana’
The Variegata Monstera Albo Borsigiani variety has a unique look, with its white and green leaves featuring a unique pattern of smaller and larger blotches. Its growth is similar to a vining plant like Pothos, with leaves having fewer splits but thicker pinnates with even separation or splits.

3. Monstera Adansonii Albo Variegata
This variety is the most common type of variegated Monstera Deliciosa and has creamy yellow or white streaks on its leaves. The ideal variegated monstera albo for homes is the variegated Monstera Adansonii albo. As it is a tropical plant, you must put a humidifier in the room. Also, the room should not be cold. Avoid direct sunlight, as the colored spots are sensitive areas.

4. Monstera Deliciosa ‘Aurea’
This variety is characterized by its golden yellow leaves, making it an excellent option for those who want a splash of color in their home. This plant can grow up to 10 to 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide, having broad and large leaves. It can also be grown in a hanging basket.

5. Monstera Deliciosa ‘Variegata’
This variety is the most common type of variegated Monstera Deliciosa and has creamy yellow or white streaks on its leaves. It is an easy-maintenance perennial plant that produces attractive variegated plants with white-colored leaves. It grows faster in bright light, but it can also grow in partial or full shade.

6. Monstera Deliciosa ‘Sport Variegata’
The sport Variegata Monstera Deliciosa variety is characterized by a mix of green and yellow leaves, creating an exciting contrast. In this plant, the mutation occurs spontaneously after germination. Because the variegation is unstable, it produces distinct patterns and colors.

7. Monstera obliqua Variegata
This variety is similar to the ‘Variegata’ but has more distinct yellow streaks on its leaves. This plant requires bright sunlight but avoids direct sunlight as it would damage the thin leaves of the plant. It requires a humid place to grow properly.

8. Monstera Deliciosa var. borsigiana ‘Mint Variegata’
This variety has light green leaves with white spots, making it a perfect choice for anyone looking for a more subtle look. Variegation occurs when the meristem cells cannot produce chlorophyll in the L2 layer. We can see mint color on leaves due to a mixture of white color and green leaves.

9. Monstera Deliciosa Variegata ‘Half Moon’
This variety features light green leaves with semi-circular yellow streaks. It is especially prized because it looks like someone had cut a half-moon shape out of each leaf! As the white-colored areas are sensitive because there is no chlorophyll in the leaves to absorb energy, they get damaged by direct sunlight. A humid place is required for optimum growth.

10. Monstera Deliciosa Variegata ‘Full Moon’
If you’re looking for something a bit more exotic, you might want to check out ‘Full Moon.’ ‘Full Moon’ has large, round yellow spots that look like full moons on its leaves. This plant can grow easily in a living room. It purifies the air. It needs humid and abundant indirect sunlight for good growth.

11. Monstera Adansonii Albo Variegata
Adansonii Albo Variegata has bright yellow and green streaks on its leaves, giving it a unique look. You can water it once a week. Normally humid and normal sunlight is necessary for its growth but avoid direct sunlight. Have a little moist potting soil and replace it every year.

12. Monstera Stadleyana Albo Variegata
If you’re looking for a more traditional look, try Stadleyana Albo Variegata because this variety has white streaks on its leaves. Some leaves may show abundant variegation, whereas some show less variegation. It can easily grow up to 6 feet. It can become indoor home decor.

13. Monstera Aurea Marmorata
These varieties also have creamy white streaks on their leaves, giving them a classic look. Warm and humid places are best for its growth. Avoid extreme temperatures as too much low or too much high temperature can cause the plant to freeze or dry out. It can be easily grown inside.

14. Variegated Monstera Deliciosa ‘Lechleriana’
It is something a bit more eye-catching; Lechleriana has brightly colored yellow and green leaves that stand out from the rest. It needs a fairly warm temperature and abundant filtered sunlight for its growth. A little moist soil and regular watering are recommended.

15. Variegated Monstera Peru
Peru is also famous and has yellow and green leaves giving a nice and bright look. An average temperature of 65°F to 85°F and a humid environment is recommended. These plants can grow better in windows where the sunlight is abundant. If the leaves have yellow spots, then avoid direct sunlight. You can water it in 1 or 2 weeks but let them dry out in between.

Credits: monko_the_plant
3. How to care for Variegated Monstera Deliciosa Varieties
Different Monstera Variegated types can thrive if cared for properly; some significant tips are as follows:
When caring for variegated Monstera, it is essential to ensure the soil remains consistently moist but not soggy. Water when the top inch of soil is dry, and be sure to water thoroughly to encourage profound root growth. However, be careful not to over-water as this can lead to root rot and other problems.
Variegated Monstera prefers slightly acidic soil that drains well, such as an equal mixture of potting soil and orchid bark. To further improve drainage, mix in some perlite or sand.
Variegated Monstera prefers bright indirect light and should be placed in a spot with at least 4-6 hours of filtered sunlight daily. If placed in too much direct sun, the leaves may scorch.
Variegated Monstera grows best when kept in temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-29 degrees Celsius). Avoid placing in cold drafts or near heating vents.
Monstera Deliciosa prefers humid environments, so it’s essential to maintain a high humidity level in the room. This can be achieved by misting the plant daily or placing it on a humidity tray.
Variegated Monstera can be propagated by dividing a mature plant or rooting stem cuttings in water or soil. It is also possible to grow from seed, but it can take several years for the plant to reach maturity.
Make sure your Monstera variegated is getting the proper nutrients. It’s essential to feed your plant with a balanced fertilizer at least once a month. It would help if you also supplemented this with weekly applications of Epsom salts and liquid seaweed extract, both of which provide essential trace minerals to help your Monstera grow faster.
Prune it:
Prune your Monstera variegated regularly. Pruning helps to encourage new growth and keeps your plant from getting too leggy or unruly. Just remember to always use sterilized tools for variegated monstera cutting and never remove more than 25% of your plant at one time.
3.1. How Do You Make Variegated Monstera Deliciosa Varieties Grow Faster?
Growing a Monstera Deliciosa Variegated plant requires patience, as they are slower-growing than other varieties. But there are some things you can do to help your Monstera variegated grow faster.
Make sure your Monstera is getting enough light. Variegated plants require more light than solid green plants and must be in bright indirect sunlight for at least 4-6 hours daily. Water it regularly but carefully. Take care of the humidity levels and also of the optimum range of temperature for the plant. Supplement the plant with the essential nutrients. Fertilizers play a crucial part in a plant’s nutrient cycle, and it needs attention to it.t
Following the tips mentioned, you can help your Variegated Monstera live plant grow faster and healthier. With patience and proper care, you’ll soon have a thriving and beautiful variegated Monstera!
Variegated Monstera Deliciosa varieties are some of the most beautiful and desired houseplants on the market today. However, they are expensive and can be a task if you are a beginner.
It is essential to understand the different varieties available, how to care for them, and how to make them grow faster before investing in one. With proper care and knowledge, your Monstera will thrive and bring beauty to your home for years to come!
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