Tag: indoor plants

How to make String of Hearts fuller?

The String of Hearts, as the name suggests, is an evergreen eternal houseplant with cascading vines for hanging bookshelves, baskets, or some other little decorative segments. It is a great addition to both the indoors and the outdoors, boosting one’s mental state and providing an appealing and lively look to the overall home decor. However, … Read more

40 Beautiful Types of Snake Plants With Pictures

Snake Plant, scientifically known as Sansevieria trifasciata, is a succulent native to West Africa. One of the biggest advantages of having a snake plant indoors is that it purifies the air and decreases dust. Moreover, it makes an excellent houseplant for decorative purposes as it has beautiful and attractive foliage. If you plan on buying … Read more

Do Indoor Plants Need Fertilizers?

Fertilizers are an important factor in plant growth. Fertilizers are of two types, organic and synthetic. Sometimes people think that plants only need fertilizers when they are deficient in some nutrient. “Do Indoor Plants Need Fertilizers?” is the question everyone who owns plants asks. So to know the answer, you will have to read this … Read more

15 Best Indoor Plants For Winter Season

We all know winter is nearly here, knocking at our doors. Usually, in this weather, the plants wilt and do not bloom well enough until spring starts. Indoor plants can especially feel the effects of changing weather. If you love having plants in your home, you must be looking for some varieties with which you … Read more

Chinese Moneyplant Care Indoor – Make Your Pilea Peperomioides Happy

Pilea Peperomioides, commonly known as the Chinese moneyplant, has grown in popularity as an indoor plant because of its beautiful appearance and ease of care. Few other indoor plants are as adaptable to the indoor environment as the Chinese moneyplant (Pilea Peperomioides). However, questions often arise about Chinese moneyplant care indoors. This houseplant can be … Read more