How to Keep Ferns Alive Indoors? Tips and Tricks for Beginners
Are you wondering how to keep ferns alive indoors? You’re in luck! Caring for ferns indoors is relatively simple, and by following a few basic steps, you can keep your ferns thriving for many years.
In this blog post, we will discuss the best ways to care for your ferns, from the type of soil and light they need to the frequency of watering and fertilizing. So let’s get started and learn how to keep your ferns alive indoors!

1. Common Fern Varieties to Grow Indoors
Ferns are beautiful, versatile plants that make a great addition to any home. There are wide varieties of ferns that can be grown indoors, and each variety has its own unique characteristics and growing requirements.
The most common types of ferns to grow indoors are:
- The Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
It is a classic variety known for its long, flowing fronds that create an elegant, feathery appearance. The care for Boston fern is quite easy as it is a low-maintenance variety that prefers medium-light and slightly acidic soil.
- Kimberly Queen Fern (Nephrolepis obliterata)
This resilient fern has leathery fronds that are deep green in color, which gives them a rich and luxurious appearance. This vase-shaped variety tolerates low light levels and grows quickly.
- The Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)
Adiantum has delicate, lacy foliage that is made up of small, fan-shaped leaflets in soft, light green color. It prefers bright, indirect light and high humidity.
- The Staghorn Fern (Platycerium spp.)
With its large, flattened fronds resembling the antlers of a stag, it is a unique type of fern. It likes bright, indirect light, as well as a humid environment.
- The Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)
The fronds are large and wavy, with a glossy, dark green color that adds a touch of tropical elegance to any room. It is a tough variety that does best in bright, indirect light, and moist soil.
No matter which variety you choose, it’s essential to research the type of fern you have to make sure you’re providing the right conditions for it to thrive indoors. They need plenty of air circulation to prevent diseases from developing – this can be achieved by grouping them with other houseplants or moving them around regularly.
Lastly, feed your ferns with a balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks during their active growing season. With proper care and maintenance, your indoor ferns will provide years of enjoyment!
2. How to Keep Ferns Alive Indoors?
Ferns are one of the most popular houseplants, thanks to their lush foliage and low-maintenance requirements. However, they still require some primary care and attention to ensure they stay healthy and vibrant.
2.1. Care Guide for ferns
Here are a few tips on how to keep your ferns alive indoors:
1. Provide Plenty of Indirect Light:
Ferns prefer bright, indirect light. When kept indoors, make sure to provide them with plenty of light. Place the fern near a window that receives at least four to six hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day.
2. Water Requirements:
When caring for your ferns, water them regularly with filtered or distilled water (avoid using tap water if possible). Make sure they don’t get overwatered – they like evenly moist soil but are not wet or soggy.
3. Humidity Is Essential:
Ferns are native to tropical and subtropical regions where humidity is high, and they have adapted to absorb moisture from the air through their leaves and fronds. Therefore, a higher level of humidity is needed to keep ferns alive indoors.
You can mist them regularly or place them in a bathroom or other area that has a higher level of moisture. You can also group several plants together to increase the humidity levels. To keep your ferns looking their best, occasionally mist them with water (especially if you live in a dry climate) or use a humidifier nearby.

4. Proper Placement:
Ferns are sensitive to sudden temperature changes, so be sure to place them away from drafty areas and away from heating vents or air conditioning units.
5. Pot in Well-draining Soil:
Ferns prefer soil that drains quickly, so use a well-draining potting mix and a pot with drainage holes.
6. Keep the Soil Moist:
Ferns do not like to be overly wet, but they do need a consistent level of moisture. Keep the soil moist by watering when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch.
7. Feed on Schedule:
Feed your ferns with a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season, following the directions on the package for the correct amount to use.
8. Repot Overgrown Ferns:
If your fern has become overgrown for its pot, repot it into a slightly larger pot filled with fresh soil. Be sure to handle it gently, as ferns have delicate roots. Repotting every couple of years is recommended.
Following these instructions will help you keep your ferns healthy and thriving indoors. With proper care, your ferns will give you years of beautiful, lush foliage.
2.2. Indoor Fern Companions
Having a companion plant in your fern’s pot can help keep your fern healthy and happy. A few plants that are exceptionally compatible with ferns include ivy, African violets, asparagus fern, peace lilies, and orchids. When choosing companion plants for your fern, make sure to select ones that share similar needs in terms of light, temperature, and moisture.
- Ivy is a great companion for ferns since they both love humidity and partial shade. Ivy also helps purify the air, so it’s a great addition to your fern’s environment.
- African violets are also good companions for ferns. They both prefer bright, indirect light and benefit from the same type of soil and fertilizer.
- Asparagus fern is another good option. It loves humidity and partial shade, just like a fern, and its fronds will add texture to the pot.
- Peace lilies and Orchids are other excellent choices for companion plants. Both of these plants need bright, indirect light, consistent moisture, and well-draining soil. They will thrive alongside ferns and help create a beautiful indoor oasis.
When selecting companion plants for your fern, make sure to research their individual needs and find ones that are compatible. By doing this, you can create an indoor oasis that will keep your fern alive and thriving for many years to come.
2.3. Troubleshooting Tips on Keeping Ferns Alive Indoors?
Ferns can be temperamental plants, so special care is needed to keep ferns alive indoors. Here are some troubleshooting tips for keeping your fern alive and healthy.
Make Sure Your Fern is Getting Enough Humidity:
Ferns thrive in humid environments, so mist the plant regularly with a spray bottle filled with water. You can also set up a humidifier near your fern to help keep the air moist.
Check for Pests:
Ferns can be prone to infestations from mealybugs, aphids, scale, and spider mites. Scrutinize the leaves for any signs of pests and use an insecticidal soap or neem oil to get rid of them if needed.
Avoid Root Rot:
Ferns don’t need a lot of water – in fact, they’re more likely to suffer from root rot if they’re overwatered. Stick your finger into the soil and make sure it’s only lightly damp before you water your fern again.
Place in a Shadier Spot:
Most ferns prefer indirect light or partial shade, so avoid placing your fern in direct sunlight. If you notice the leaves starting to brown, move the ferns to a shadier spot.
Fertilize Sparingly:
You can give your fern a boost with an all-purpose liquid fertilizer during the growing season. Just make sure to dilute it to half the strength recommended on the package, as too much fertilizer can burn the roots.
By following these simple tips, you should be able to keep your fern alive and happy indoors!

2.4. Common problems with ferns
The common problems faced by indoor ferns are as given below:
1. Fronds Turning Yellow and Drooping:
One of the most common problems with ferns is fronds turning yellow and drooping. This is usually due to too much direct sunlight or not enough humidity.
The best solution is to move your fern away from any direct sunlight and ensure that you mist your fern regularly or set up a humidifier in the room where the fern is located. If you live in a dry climate, you may also want to invest in a humidifier to help keep your fern healthy.
2. Tips Turning Brown:
If you start to notice the tips of your fern’s fronds turning brown, this could be a sign that your fern isn’t getting enough humidity.
Try misting your fern more regularly or setting up a humidifier near your fern if you don’t already have one. If you live in a very dry climate, consider investing in a humidifier to help keep your fern healthy.
3. Fronds Drying Out:
If you start to notice the fronds on your fern drying out, this could be a sign that your fern is not getting enough water.
Make sure that you are watering your fern at least once per week, and be sure to keep an eye on the soil to make sure it’s not too dry. If it is, add more water to keep your fern happy and healthy.

2.5. What Not to Do When Caring For a Fern?
Caring for a fern isn’t tricky, but there are certain things to avoid in order to ensure your plant’s health. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when caring for a fern:
1. Over-watering:
Ferns require consistent moisture, but not too much. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues. Make sure to check the soil moisture before adding water, and don’t add too much. Water your fern consistently. Your fern may need more water during the hot summer months and less during the colder winter months. If your fern is looking a bit droopy, try misting its leaves with lukewarm water.
2. Over-fertilizing:
Too much fertilizer can cause foliage burn and yellowing of the leaves. Always use a light, balanced fertilizer and follow instructions carefully. Fertilize every few weeks using a balanced fertilizer according to package directions.
3. Placing it in direct sunlight:
Direct sunlight will scorch and dry out your fern’s leaves. To keep your fern alive indoors, make sure to place it in an area with bright, indirect light, such as near a window or under artificial lighting.
4. Picking or Pruning Leaves:
You should never pick or prune your fern’s leaves. Doing so can damage the plant and limit its ability to photosynthesize.
5. Repotting too often:
Repotting can be beneficial, but too often can stress the plant out and lead to problems. Unless the plant has outgrown its pot, it’s best to wait at least two years before repotting.
6. Ignoring Common Pests:
Pests like spider mites and mealy bugs can wreak havoc on a fern’s health. Check your plant regularly for signs of pests and take steps to address them quickly to prevent further damage.
By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your fern stays healthy and happy. With proper care and attention, your fern will thrive indoors!
2.6. Is Your Fern Toxic For Pets?
If you have pets, it’s essential to make sure that the type of fern you’re bringing into your home is not toxic to them. Wide varieties of ferns are safe for animals, but there are some that can be poisonous if ingested.
Some of the more common species of ferns that can be toxic to pets include Boston Fern, Staghorn Fern, Asparagus Fern, and Maidenhair Fern. It’s best to research each variety of fern that you are considering for your home before bringing it into your home. If you already have a fern in your home, it may be best to keep it away from any pets that you have.
8. Conclusion
Ferns are a popular and attractive houseplant that can add a touch of nature to any room. To keep your fern alive and thriving indoors, you need to provide the proper environment and care. Keep your fern in an area with indirect light, avoid overwatering, provide humidity, feed, and re-pot regularly, and keep an eye out for pests and diseases. Also, consider what kind of fern you have, as some are toxic to pets and should be avoided. Lastly, it is essential to water your ferns consistently. With regular attention and tender loving care, your indoor fern will stay healthy and beautiful, and with the right conditions and maintenance, you can enjoy your fern for years to come!
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